The Belles of Three Spires
Coventry based, a capella, barbershop group.
The Belles of Three Spires was founded in 1989 and performed at their first convention in 1995.
Lucy Whitwell has been our current musical director since 2012. With Lucy at the helm, the chorus won awards for Most Improved Chorus and Most Improved Director at LABBS in 2013 and 2017. In 2017 they scored their highest competition score with 72.9% and a placing of 9th in the UK! In 2019, the chorus celebrated their Pearl 30th anniversary with a Pearl Ball. Our plans for June 2020 were to perform at Disney in California and attend BHS International Convention in Los Angeles. Sadly, these events were cancelled due to the coronavirus. But when singing got back in full swing The Belles were delighted to return to the Convention stage and obtain a score of 72.6% just short of their previous best, even after so much time apart!
In 2024 the Belles were delighted that their long time Assistant Director and choreo lead Chesca Cocks became the joint MD alongside Lucy. We are excited to see what the future holds!
We welcome singers of any experience level. Members do not need any previous experience or the ability to read music. Being a Belle is all about finding your voice!
Our rehearsals are at Meadow Park School, Coventry. We meet on Wednesdays at 7pm. If you are interested in joining us, please contact our MD (details below) before attending your first rehearsal.
46 Members
We currently have 46 members. We welcome new members at any time and would love to meet you. Please contact our MD (details below) before attending your first rehearsal.
35 Years
35 years and still loving what we do every day
1989 – Founded by Michael Brough who was at that time MD of the Sounds of Three Spires Men’s Barbershop Chorus. His partner Cherry Hartshorn thought they could match the men, and she started with with six friends and later became MD once a few more members had joined.
1994 – The chorus joined LABBS and formed the Coventry Ladies Barbershop Harmony Club.
1995 – Performed at their first Convention at Brighton.
2000 – David Morehen became MD.
2003 – Paula Williams was invited to be MD. The Belles moved from 15th place to 4th place in the national competition.
2008 – Timm Barkworth became MD.
2009 – Winners of the Majestic Choir Festival in Torquay.
2011 – Placed 5th at the LABBS Convention in Harrogate.
2012 – Assistant MD Lucy Guess (Edmonds) became acting MD. Sang at Coventry Cathedral to welcome the Olympic Torch and also at Paralympics.
2013 – Appointment of Lucy as permanent MD. Awarded The Most Improved Chorus and Most Improved Director at LABBS Convention.
2014 – 25th Silver Anniversary.
2015 – Increased score for third year running to 72.3% and increased ranking to 7th place at the LABBS Convention.
2017 – Highest ever competition score of 72.9% and a placing of 9th in the UK, awarded The Most Improved Chorus and Most Improved Director at LABBS Convention.
2019 – 30th Pearl Anniversary.
2022 – A long awaited return to singing and Convention obtaining a score of 72.6%.
2024 – Chesca Cocks becomes Joint MD along side Lucy!
The Belles proudly present Brain Tumour Charity with £2100 in memory of Helen Ring
We are so proud to have raised such a good amount for the charity! Here are some cherished memories of Helen from our members. Helen was a big fan of Pentatonix so we did this quintet together with April, me, my mum and Juliette with Helen, performing at one of the...
Belles ring in the new year at directors weekend!
What an incredible weekend we had! On Sunday 21st January, The Belles of Three Spires, Coventry, had the privilege of being one of the choruses invited to assist with the 2024 director's educational weekend for LABBS and BABS. It was such a great experience, full of...
Time to Sing with The Belles
The ‘Time to Sing’ with The Belles Experience, took place weekly each Wednesday evening from 7pm to 10pm starting on 8th Nov and finishing on 13th Dec. Participants worked with members of the choir to learn to how to sing in four-part harmony. Found out about their...
Festival Fever
The Belles have enjoyed taking part in several festivals this summer, starting with Nuneaton Festival on 14th May, then North Northampton Festival on 10th June and Leamington Festival on 1st July. We enjoyed performing for new audiences, getting to share our art form...
New Year, New Home
We have moved!
The first week saw of February 2022, saw us moved in to our location to Whitley Academy, Abbey Road, Coventry, CV3 4BD. Our new venue is in a theatre classroom, so the raised seating provides us with practice risers, and will be ideal when we start giving performances again to family and friends.
Christmas Sing Outs
A good number of Belles braved the cold and biting wind to bring Christmas cheer to the shoppers of Coventry, We raised £40 for the Brain Tumour Trust as well in the process.
The Belles of Three Spires are available for bookings, and we are very open to new members! To book us for an event, please contact our MD (see details below). To enquire about becoming a member, please contact our MD before you attend your first rehearsal.