The Belles of Three Spires +44(0)779 2963730

We are so proud to have raised such a good amount for the charity!

Here are some cherished memories of Helen from our members.

Helen was a big fan of Pentatonix so we did this quintet together with April, me, my mum and Juliette with Helen, performing at one of the Belles shows and we called it Pentabelles, around 2017 ish. Helen chose the song we sang of theirs which I love too. Here is a recording of us rehearsing the song we sang together over memories with her as a tribute. She was a very special inspiring person and a lovely friend. You can hear Helen’s voice at the end saying ‘the last chord is just lush’

~ Wendy


“I feel honoured to have known Helen. Helen was so dedicated and always there for everyone whatever they needed. During her time as my section leader Helen was so supportive and encouraging. A truly inspirational wonderful lady with an infectious smile I will always remember.” ~ Sandra

“When Helen was going through her treatment for breast cancer, I promised her lunch at the Orange Tree as soon as her health allowed. We had a lovely lunch, full of laughter and chat. When she was diagnosed with a brain tumour she cheekily asked if the same offer was on. I so wish she had been able to make that second lunch. And, Helen took her pitch everywhere with her. We went to see Sons of Pitches in Birmingham. On stage they were pretending to have problems with the right notes and asked the audience if anyone had a pitch pipe on them. They were a little taken aback when Helen duly obliged.” ~ Anne

“We formed a quartet with Helen and spent many a rehearsal together laughing and having fun. We entered for prelims and Helen was so excited as it was a dream of hers. One of the songs we sang included a bass line ‘this is it’ and Helen had the spotlight then. What the audience didn’t know was that Helen had been in hospital and had managed to persuade them to give her a pass out for the afternoon so that she could perform with us. Helen’s passion was so infectious – she was a great person to be around and we miss her terribly. I will treasure these memories fondly forever – Helen was an inspiration to us all and I will never forget her.” ~ April

“At the men’s convention one year at Harrogate the generators were flooded, putting the convention centre out of action on the Friday night. Luckily the theatre next door was hurriedly commissioned to host the event, meaning the organisers had to work overnight to be ready for Saturday! I roomed with Helen who got up in the early hours, dressed in the dark so as not to disturb me, walked to the theatre in the dark, no breakfast, in order to lend a hand. For the rest of the weekend I hardly saw Helen as she was employed as a runner and general help. She did so again the following year, then migrated to LABBS.  The rest is history. If there was a gold medal for networking Helen would have been the outright winner! She was loved and known to so many not only here but in America and in Europe. She was world class! Much missed.” ~ Sylvia